
connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.

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why you had to go down the wrong road

A friend told me a story his pastor shared, and I've been thinking about it a lot lately: A father and son planned a road trip across the desert. This trip happened before cell phones, GPS devices, and modern technology that makes traveling easy, and the risk of getting lost very, very low. Armed with just a map and a full tank of gas, the father and son began their trip. After a couple of hours on the road, they arrived at a fork in the road—a fork that wasn’t on their map. Confused by the...

As I mentioned in yesterday’s Note, I started the day being lazy–laying on the couch, binge-watching Starting Five on Netflix, and researching different breathwork trainings. My lazy Sunday didn’t stop there. I did some reading.I watched some football.I took a couple of short naps.I cut the backyard.I watched two movies on the couch with Silas in the evening. I didn’t think about work, I didn’t think about writing anything, and I didn’t feel the need to be on my computer planning for the...

I’ve spent a large chunk of this morning being “lazy,” binge-watching Starting Five on Netflix, getting ideas out of my head and into Notion, and researching different breathwork training programs--it's been extremely refreshing being lazy for a bit. Now isn’t the time, but in the next year, I’d like to start a program to become a breathwork facilitator to use in my LifeDesign+ work and even do small group sessions. I know that becoming a great facilitator will require me to learn different...

Happy Saturday--here's this week's Daily Notes and while there wasn't a new episode of LifeDesign+, I did have my appearance on my friend Bogumil Baranowski's podcast, Talking Billions, drop this week. This was such an enjoyable conversation and an honor--I've been a fan of Talking Billions since Bogumil dropped episode 30 and he's now over 100 episodes. I've always admired his interviewing style and the caliber of guests. To be an alum of Talking Billions is a huge compliment! In this...

If you’re having trouble finding the path to your authentic life, step back and examine the influences and people you admire the most. See if you can find any commonalities that can help provide some clarity. Who are your favorite business people to follow? Your favorite musicians? Your favorite unknown people? What do you notice about them, and is there anything common among them all? A few of my influences and people I admire are (in no particular order): Chris Brickley (basketball and...

I shared this question on LinkedIn last evening, but it’s been sitting in my mind since it was asked to me. I shared in a recent Periodical that I recently hired a coach; yesterday was our first session and as we were talking through some things he asked me, “what do you actually want?” I blurted out an answer… “I want to do whatever I want, when I want, how I want. (WWH)” I realize that sounds like an answer a spoiled kid would have, and maybe I am a little spoiled, but what I really meant...

“I have a rule in my life, and the rule is: Never wish for less time. Waiting for things to be over is just wishing for less time. Waiting for this to be over to get to the next thing–that’s just wishing for less time.” - John Mayer A nice little reminder that as you are excited for the next chapter in your Pursuit, or anxious about discovering what might be next, don't overlook the present moment and wish to be in the future. I know I'm guilty of doing this, and I'm sure many of the readers...

I was listening to a podcast yesterday, I’m pretty sure it was Chase Jarvis on Jay Clouse’s Creator Science (I often listen to multiple shows a day) and Chase said something that really stood out to me. He shared a similar sentiment as I did in my Keep Pursuing series last fall about the guidance and advice we get from our loved ones; they place their limitations, fears, and objections on us, not because they want to see us unhappy but because they love us and are afraid to see us fail, get...

“A river of material flows through us. When we share our works and our ideas, they are replenished. If we block the flow by holding them all inside, the river cannot run and new ideas are slow to appear. In the abundant mindset, the river never runs dry. Ideas are always coming through. And an artist is free to release them with the faith that more will arrive. If we live in a mindset of scarcity, we hoard great ideas.” -Rick Rubin It’s been a while since I’ve written about the importance of...

I know I’m stating the obvious in today’s title, but I just read a friend of mine’s beautiful post from last week in memory of his mother, and it served as yet another reminder of how short life is–or maybe how fast it can pass by. As I sat with the post and thought about all of the memories he described, I thought about my own with my parents and finally thought about what I hope will be the types of memories my boys have of me. I then began to think about how many of us spend so much of the...