aligned frequencies

Yesterday, I exchanged a couple of voice notes with one of my closest friends and shared a belief with him that helped me connect another dot in the Pursuit of the authentic life.

My friend shared that so many things in his life were right where they needed to be—aligned with his values and allowing him to live his authentic life and continue to evolve.

His family.
His finances.
His health.
His career.

All great!

But despite all of those important aspects being aligned, something was missing.

Actually, it was someone. Or more like someones.

After a recent move to be closer to family, which helped bring greater alignment to his life, he’d found that the move had taken away something from him that he didn’t realize was important until now.

Being surrounded by other driven, entrepreneurial, and motivated people.

His new community surrounded him with more people comfortable with their status quo, working a 9-5, and not focused on continued growth.

Before I go on, I want to make it clear that there is nothing wrong with the life I just described. There is no “right” authentic life—everyone’s authentic life is different, hence why it is “authentic.” My friend and I discussed this without judgment of those in his community, but rather the disconnect he felt with that mindset.

This mindset does not align with my friend; while he respects those living this life, it has left him feeling alone.

I told him his feelings were normal and he was experiencing an energetic disconnect with the people he had met in his new community.

He operates on a different frequency than they do, which makes it challenging to connect with them on a deeper level.

I shared with him how I’ve managed to surround my Self with people who operate on the same frequency as me—he is one of them. Most of these people do not live around me, although over time, I have noticed that I attract more and more like-minded people closer to home–thanks law of attraction. I have multiple text threads, monthly Zoom calls, and impromptu calls with people aligned with my energy. So, while I may not always be physically surrounded by people operating on my frequency, I am continually inspired, motivated, and energized by the conversations I get to have throughout the month with my friends worldwide.

My friend’s experience highlights how important the people you surround yourself with are. Everything in his life is in alignment—all of the areas most people would consider to be the most important. Yet, because the creative, entrepreneurial, and encouraging environment he was used to and needs is lacking, his alignment feels a little off–it’s not that he’s unhappy; it’s just that he feels like something is missing.

The energy of the people you engage with is important to your alignment as you pursue your authentic life. Understand the frequency of the people you need to surround your Self with, put your energy out into the world, and allow the law of attraction to bring like-minded people to you, hopefully in person but also by leveraging technology.

See you tomorrow (or later today) and keep pursuing,


connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.

Read more from connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

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