Happy Birthday, Roman!

Today is a special day—I am now the father of a teenager! Our oldest Roman turns thirteen, which is hard to believe but at the same time isn’t that hard because we have had so many great experiences and memories as a family over the last thirteen years that it seems like we’d need more years to fit them all in.

I know Roman sometimes reads my Daily Notes, so I wanted to use today’s note to wish him happy birthday again in a way (and place) he may not expect—a little extra surprise I hope makes him smile…

Roman, happy birthday!! Your mom, brothers, and I love you very much and we’re all very proud of the young man you already are and the one you are becoming.

As your dad it is a struggle sometimes because I have to balance being a father, which comes with bringing discipline and structure to you, with planting seeds for you to discover valuable lessons sooner than I did, and with being your friend—a lot of parenting advice says we shouldn’t be worried about being friends with our children, but I’m not subscribing to that advice because I want to be friends with you and your brothers.

There’s a time to be a father.
There’s a time to be a teacher.
There’s a time to be a friend.
Sometimes there’s overlap and sometimes there isn’t, but in all three there is unlimited love and I hope you feel that.

My goal going into your fourteenth year is to become more patient, give you more freedom to discover who you are without putting too much of my influence on you, and continue to provide love and support as you begin your own Pursuit—-that love and support DOES include discipline, so the phone can still be taken away 😀.

One of the hardest things to accept as a parent, well at least for me, is I cannot control the outcomes of your life. It’s not that I want to protect you from failure, struggle, or disappointment because I know how important those are in growing and becoming the person you are meant to be—lessons are learned and we grow when things do not go our way. Instead, I want to help you to realize YOU control your life—you can create the life you desire and are meant to be and I know that is a life full of happiness, “success”, and impact on others. I can see that potential in you but I can’t make that become your reality.

No amount of high-frequency energy, law of attraction, visualization, or manifestation can bring to you everything I can hope you receive—only you can use those forces for your Self. As I continue to grow and mature, I have to accept this and continue to share, be an example, and help you understand the important lessons in life and allow you to become YOU.

I’m excited to have the day off to spend with you, Mom, Leo, and Silas. I think this year is going to be a BIG year for you— you start in a new school, you finally got your own phone 😀, and if the last couple of weeks of basketball carry on with you, you’ve begun to figure out the only thing holding you back on the court—your head and your emotions. I hope today is the beginning of a big year and I can’t wait to see how you grow (hopefully taller, lol) this year and the great things that are ahead for you.

Happy birthday and know that I love you always!

I’ll be back tomorrow with the regular Daily Notes—thank you for allowing me to surprise Roman with this message today!

connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.

Read more from connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

“an observation from a client meeting today: when we look at our dreams, goals, and authentic life first through the lens of finance, we limit what we believe is possible and, ultimately what IS possible. we need to shift to examining these first through our heart, energy, and excitement where anything is possible and then running it through the finances. there’s no guarantee that everything will fit into the financial plan, but dreams, goals, and authentic life might be closer than you...

I go back and forth about how well I want to set the boys up financially when they are older. As of right now, I’d like to be able to gift them a significant amount of money when they are in their 30s, assuming they continue to have good heads on their shoulders and are doing well independently. I’d like to gift them money at that stage of their lives because I am hopeful that what I live and talk about rubs off on them, that they have a good understanding of who they are, what they value the...

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms–to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” - Viktor Frankl See you tomorrow and keep pursuing, JC