
connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

the Weekly Note Vol. 17

Published 20 days ago • 4 min read

Happy Saturday!

Today we were down in Evansville, Indiana--we actually drove down last night so we wouldn't have to get up early and spend six hours in the car making the round trip in one day--for Leo's soccer team.

As I was driving home thinking about how well his team played, I reflected on just how much Leo and his teammates have grown over the last few years, but especially in the last year.

I'm not talking about physical growth, as they've all gotten bigger, but mental growth; I'm not sure how many parents realize how much better the team has gotten not because of their skill, but because of their mental growth.

This afternoon the boys got down 0-1 early due to a questionable penalty called due to heading and an even more questionable spot since the header occurred in the box.

In the past, Leo and his team would have gotten down, pouted and complained about the bad call, and ended up losing the game or barely winning against a team they should easily beat.

But, today was different.

I watched as they kept calm.
Heads stayed up.
And they kept playing their game.

They remained cool and ended up winning 4-1, dominating the game like they expected to going into the match.

On the drive, I made sure to point out to Leo how proud I was that he and his teammates didn't get down and they kept playing the game like they knew they should and ended up with the win. I don't think he realized how much he had grown in one of the most important areas for athletes--his mindset.

It's not easy to measure mindset growth until you witness it like I did today, and it made me wonder how many of us are missing out on important growth we are experiencing because it isn't measurable like losing weight, gaining muscle, sales, or any other quantifiable goal.

Don't miss the opportunity to discover the qualitative growth you are experiencing as well--and celebrate them just as much as you do the quantitative ones.

Ok, let's get to the rest of the Weekly Note...

🎙️LifeDesign+ Podcast: George Kinder's The Seven Stages Of Money Maturity

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As I reread George Kinder's The Seven Stages Of Money Maturity for this episode I realized the importance of the book--it's up there with the recent hit The Psychology Of Money by Morgan Housel; if I'm being honest, I think the lessons found in Kinder's book are much more important because they deal directly with our understanding of money and how it impacts our lives.

The Seven Stages Of Money Maturity is really a life book disguised as a financial book.

I decided while recording this episode to cover it over three episodes, covering each phase, Childhood, Adulthood, and Maturity, in their own episode. These phases contain the stages that the book is named after.

In this episode, I cover Innocence and Pain, which make up the phase of Childhood.

💡 Have you subscribed to the YouTube channel or podcast yet (or both)? If not, I'd really appreciate your support--a review would be amazing as well! Your support of the show will help more people find LifeDesign+ sooner; those who need it will eventually find it, but we can do our part to help them find it a little sooner.

📽️ Deep Cuts with Tom Brady

video preview

I'm not supposed to like Tom Brady since I'm from Indianapolis and by default am a Colts fan, although I'm not much of an NFL fan, given the battles the Colts and Patriots used to have.

But I have a hard time not respecting greatness and everything I've heard about Brady has always made me like and respect him, and this interview with Vic Blends is no different.

Before I get to Brady, I want to give a quick intro to Vic Blends; I've been following him on Instagram for years watching him give strangers haircuts for free on the streets and spark up great conversations. To watch Vic go from cutting strangers to Tom Brady is amazing and he's done it being 100% authentic--he is living his authentic life.

I thought I'd share a few of my favorite parts of the interviews; I tried to title them as close to the sections listed in the YouTube notes to make it easier for you to find.

  • Mindset
  • Intention
  • Where to draw inspiration
  • Tom's view on his mission
  • "How do you be ambitious and content?"

🗣️ out on social media

🎙️The Next Episode: falling back on habits

video preview

In this month's episode of The Next Episode, my dad kicks off the conversation with a comment about falling back on bad habits.

I'm not surprised, but these episodes tend to do really well--the people love Terry!

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🎁 a few more shares

🎧 Tetragrammaton: Rick Rubin and Jon Kabat-Zinn I've shared passages from Jon Kabat-Zinn's book Wherever You Go There You Are in the Daily Notes, and I think I've even included it in a Weekly Note before. This interview between Rick Rubin and Jon is great and I really enjoyed the surprise ending to the episode, if you make it that far. I enjoy hearing from the authors of the books that have been important to me, especially when they aren't on all of the major podcasts---hearing him with Rick seemed special and intimate.

📚 John Kabat-Zinn: Wherever You Go There You Are And thanks to the interview above, I purchased the recent edition of the book since Kabat-Zinn added some new commentary to celebrate its 30th anniversary. I've linked to the newest version but recommend grabbing both so you can see the difference 30 years made in Zinn's writing.

📺 Tom Morgan and Jim O'Shaughnessy Any chance I can listen to Tom Morgan I do. When I saw he was interviewing Jim O'Shaughnessy I knew it would be great because Tom's appearances on Jim's podcast, Infinite Loops, have been tremendous, and I was excited to hear Jim on the other side of the mic. For me, this conversation was extra inspiring because listening to Jim describe OSV made me think of the vision I have for PRST in the future--it's not the same, but similar enough to encourage me to keep pursuing it.

📝 this week's Daily Notes

04.21.24 #478 the power of why

04.22.24 #479 the lost money clip

04.23.24 #480 hurt people hurt people

04.24.24 #481 getting close to my first "absolute"

04.25.24 #482 an example of synchronicity that is not my experience

04.26.24 #483 who inspires you?

04.27.24 #484 pick up the pen

the Keep Pursuing webinar series

Don't Forget the Keep Pursuing webinar Series kicks off in a few weeks with Samantha Russell on 5/22 at 2:00 EST.

Click here to register for May's webinar.

Next week in the Weekly Note I'll be announcing June's guest, the topic, and the date and time.

See you next week (or tomorrow) and keep pursuing,


connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

creator. advisor. speaker. on my PRST™.

I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.

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