the Weekly Note Vol. 30

Happy Sunday!

I hope you're having a great weekend!

A new episode of LifeDesign+ dropped this week with an episode of The Next Episode with my dad. This is a "show" that we don't film enough episodes of but when we do they are always fun and some of the most listened to and viewed episodes.

In this episode we discuss "authenticity", whether or not it's a buzzword, and how different generations view the term and living authentically.

I think this is the best episode for us yet.

video preview

I also dropped a new Periodical continuing my series introducing more people to life planning and how I approach it through LifeDesign+.

This week's Periodical discusses who life planning is for.

Ok, let's get to this week's Daily Notes...

📝 this week's Daily Notes

09.01.24 #610 you are a brand

09.02.24 #611 a reignited bonfire

09.03.24 #612 J.Cole on the Pursuit

09.04.24 #613 what to do when you can't change a situation

09.05.24 #614 how dark does darkness have to be?

09.06.24 #615 making the unknown less scary

09.07.24 #616 aligned frequencies

See you next week (or tomorrow) and keep pursuing,


connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.

Read more from connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

Happy Sunday--here's this week's Daily Notes and the latest episode of LifeDesign+. I also wanted to share one of the podcasts I referenced in a note this week and make sure you see it and consider watching; it's the Rich Roll podcast with Kimberly Snyder. This week's episode of LifeDesign+ dropped on Thursday with an inspiring conversation with Zac Owens, a professional basketball player. I also dropped a new Periodical sharing a new term that I discovered in a book I'm reading, "anam cara"....

This morning, I enjoyed a cup of cold brew on a long walk along the Pacific Ocean with a few of my financial advisor friends. There was a little discussion about our businesses and the profession, but most of the conversations were centered around life and other random topics. I broke off for an extended conversation with one of my friends about our spiritual journeys; a few years ago, we discovered that we were traveling on parallel journeys at the same conference in California, and it...

"What we think, we become." —Buddha Note: I’m on my way to Huntington Beach, California for the next few days to hang out and learn from some of the best financial advisors in the world. There will be no break in the Daily Notes, but they might just arrive a little later since I’ll be operating on West Coast time. See you tomorrow (or later today), and keep pursuing, JC