happiness comes from spiritual wealth

“Happiness comes from spiritual wealth not material wealth.”
-John Marks Templeton

A few excerpts from Templeton’s Discovering The Laws of Life:

“If spiritual wealth has not been developed, no amount of money will make us happy. Spiritual wealth gives us faith. It gives us love. It gives us wisdom. Spiritual wealth leads to happiness because it guides us into loving relationships, it helps us restore friendships that have been damaged.”

“Spiritual wealth leads to true happiness because with it, we have a resource that will never run dry. Material wealth is dependent on factors that sometimes are out of our control. Spiritual wealth is totally within our control. We are the ones who determine how much or how little we have of it in our lives. If we take inventory and find ourselves lacking in spiritual wealth, it is up to us to draw on that great resource within us to replenish the supply. We have within us all we need to make our lives prosperous and happy; we have the ability to love and to be loved; we have the ability to enjoy life tp the fullest no matter what is going on around us.”

“Not that material comfort can’t be a positive force in our lives. With it we never need to worry about going hungry or paying our bills or educating our children. If the economy is strong, we can depend on our material wealth to be our security. But by working to develop our spiritual wealth, we never need to worry about our inner security. Spiritual wealth is always there to serve us. It is our “blank check” that will be honored anytime. If we need wisdom, it is to that bank we go. If we lose all our financial resources, our spiritual wealth will help us recover and recoup our losses. With spiritual wealth as the foundation and security for our lives, we gain a deep, abiding peace that can’t be obtained with material wealth alone. In the process, we gain true happiness.”

All three excerpts from Week Twenty: Law C (one of my favorites in the book).

See you tomorrow (or later today) and keep pursuing,


connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.

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