the four pillars of wellness (and wealth)

How do you define wealth?

Do you look to the monetary definition or do you look at other areas of life?

For me, “rich” is related to income, assets, net worth etc. Rich has nothing to do with the quality of life, contentment, a sense of purpose, relationships, or a number of other factors that I think we can all agree are what life is really about.

Wealthy, on the other hand, is related to pretty much everything “rich” is not.

I’ve never considered pillars of wealth, but thanks to a new friendship and some great conversations with Adam Bruderly, I’ve realized that the alignment of spirit, mind, body, and money not only helps you live your authentic life but they are also my four pillars of wealth.

I made this connection because the firm Adam works at, Journey Wealth, has four pillars of wellness, which I easily can substitute wealth for—they are spiritual, mental, physical, and financial. You see it, right?

Spirit. Mind. Body. Money.

Adam and I had a chance to talk more about these four pillars, along with discuss some old pillars that I was able to dig up, and how Journey Wealth came to realize the importance of spirit, mind, body, and money. We also discuss how they are bringing these four pillars of wellness to their clients–what they are doing is really cool and I’m a huge fan!

Check out today’s episode of LifeDesign+ where Adam and I have a free-flowing conversation about the importance of spiritual, mental, physical, and financial wellness.

I’d like to ask a couple of favors:

1.) If you haven’t subscribed to the podcast or YouTube channel (or both) please consider doing so if you are enjoying the conversation and guests I’m bringing to you. By now you know the algorithms love this type of feedback and tend to show podcasts that have more subscribers and reviews—a review would be awesome as well!

2.) Let me know in the comments or reply to one of my notes and let me know if you want to hear more from Adam and I about these four pillars. I’ve already mapped out a mini-series for us to collaborate on and would love to dive deeper into each.


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See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,


connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.

Read more from connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

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