the Weekly Note Vol. 26

Happy Saturday!

If you've seen some of my social media posts over the past couple of weeks or paid attention to the Daily Notes, you know there have been a lot of dots being connected and new doors being opened in my mind, helping me better understand my purpose, path, and the concept of the authentic life.

I'm excited for a podcast appearance to drop sometime this weekend with my friend Grace Nikae---there are a few dots connected in the moment and for everyone to see during our conversation. I will most certainly be sharing the video and podcast once it is live.

I also participated in and led a Masterclass for Grace's Kizuna Studio, which was a lot of fun and, honestly, one of my best presentations about aligning money with your authentic life. I operated in a calm state of flow for the entire hour---I can't wait to share that conversation as well.

Finally, I recorded a couple of great conversations with guests who have tremendous stories and messages, yet you've most likely never heard of them. As you might have read already this morning or will read later in this Weekly Note, I've uncovered a deeper purpose for the LifeDesign+ podcast. It's still all about helping people master the art of living their authentic life, but it's also about bringing fresh new voices to listeners. I've already been doing this, but I secretly hoped to one day make the top 10 on Apple Podcasts and attract the high-profile names that come with that territory. The truth is I never started a podcast to interview high-profile people, and I genuinely enjoy and feel best when I'm providing a platform for someone with a great story or unique perspective...I'm going to ride with these friends on the podcast, surrender, and allow the Universe to take the podcast where it's supposed to go.

Be sure to get caught up on the last two weeks of LifeDesign+ and set your alerts for the next two episodes!

Finally, I completed the spoken word poems for the Keep Pursuing series talks I gave in the fall. You can find them all on a playlist, my makeshift "album", on Spotify. I'm not done with these and have more creative plans, but for now I'm excited to see them on Spotify as a playlist.

Ok, let's get to the rest of the Weekly Note...

πŸŽ™οΈ LifeDesign+: increasing awareness and spirit, mind, body and money: the four pillars of wellness

Two weeks ago, I dropped an episode with Devin Martin that talked about his work as an executive and life coach. The work Devin is doing is very similar to the work I am doing with my LifeDesign+ relationship (in my own authentic way). I've been a huge fan of Devin's since he popped up on my radar, thanks to Tom Morgan. It was inspiring and a pleasure to get to talk with someone I hold in such high regard.

video preview​

​Apple Podcasts​


This week's episode was with my new friend, Adam Bruderly. We had the first of what I expect to be multiple conversations around the pillars of wealth: spirit, mind, body, and money. At the firm where Adam works, they define the pillars of wealth as spiritual, mental, physical, and financial. When I read this on a LinkedIn post, I knew I had to have him on the podcast to discuss it.


video preview​

​Apple Podcasts​


πŸ“½οΈ Master Shi Heng Yi On The Mulligan Brothers

video preview​

This is the second time I've shared a conversation with Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi. I find him very soothing to listen to and that every word is carefully chosen--there is no waste in what he says. I admire people like him because I am so wordy, especially when I start talking about something I'm excited about.

🎁 a few more shares

🎧Wim Hof on Diary Of A CEO podcast I've been doing Wim Hof breath work off and on for a couple of years now. It's silly that I don't carve out 10-15 minutes a day to do it each morning because it makes me feel energized, and it helps my breathing during yoga because it strengthens my lungs and control. This was an enjoyable conversation with Wim and sheds some light on all of the benefits of breathwork, in addition to his famous cold baths.

πŸ“ Attractors by Tom Morgan As you might remember, Tom is a former guest on LifeDesign+ and is working on a series called "Accelerating Wisdom." This is the second part of the series, and I found it fascinating, especially because I watched Interstellar the night before. Thanks to this post, I now have a better understanding of the fifth dimension mentioned in the movie.

🎧 A Guide To Doing Less And Making More Kate Northrup x Alyssa Nobriga Don't let the title of this podcast deter you--it almost made me skip because I thought it was going to be gimmicky talk about "leveling up" and focusing on money. While there is a lot of talk about money, it's more about mindset, which is extremely important.

πŸ’Ώ summer singles

this week's single, "mind control" on Apple and Spotify​

πŸ“ this week's Daily Notes

07.14.24 g's & t's (a poem)​

07.15.24 as within, so without​

07.16.24 the price you pay​

07.17.24 you'll know when you're ready​

07.18.24 the four pillars of wellness (and wealth)​

07.19.24 freedoms​

07.20.24 new voices​


See you next week (or tomorrow) and keep pursuing,



connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

I'm on a mission to help more people find and live their authentic life. Check out my Daily Notes where I write a short note each day about the connection of spirit, mind, body and money on the Pursuit of your authentic life.

Read more from connect spirit, mind, body, and money w/ Justin Castelli

Happy Sunday! I hope you're having a great weekend! A new episode of LifeDesign+ dropped this week with an episode of The Next Episode with my dad. This is a "show" that we don't film enough episodes of but when we do they are always fun and some of the most listened to and viewed episodes. In this episode we discuss "authenticity", whether or not it's a buzzword, and how different generations view the term and living authentically. I think this is the best episode for us yet. I also dropped...

Yesterday, I exchanged a couple of voice notes with one of my closest friends and shared a belief with him that helped me connect another dot in the Pursuit of the authentic life. My friend shared that so many things in his life were right where they needed to beβ€”aligned with his values and allowing him to live his authentic life and continue to evolve. His family.His finances.His health.His career. All great! But despite all of those important aspects being aligned, something was missing....

β€œThere’s beauty in completion. And always faith in the unknown.” - Kendrick Lamar This remains one of my favorite quotes. As you continue to pursue your authentic life, you will have chapters that end, leaving you to trust in the unknown. For most, the unknown can be scary and sometimes keep you in a chapter longer than you should be just to avoid the unknown. But, the more you experience venturing into the unknown, the stronger your faith will become making it easier and even exciting to...